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Claudia Coronnello, PhD
Principal Investigator in Advanced Data Analysis


Corso Calatafimi 414, 90129 Palermo, Italy




  • Università degli Studi di Palermo, IT
  • Università degli Studi di Roma “Foro Italico”
  • Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche
    • IRIB, Palermo IT
    • IGM, Pisa, IT
    • IFC, Pavia, IT
  • ISMETT – IRCSS, Palermo, IT
  • Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCSS, Roma, IT
  • Marrelli Hospital, Crotone, IT


The Advanced Data Analysis group is devoted to help Ri.MED researchers and collaborators to retrieve the most amount of information from their models and data, with a particular interest on projects focused on Cancer and Aging topics approached by using biological big data.
For instance, it supports the Drug Discovery Unit in the experimental design and data analysis of high-throughput screenings and it performs high-throughput data analysis, applied on a wide range of data source technologies, e.g., microarray, next generation sequencing, and other omic approaches.
Very often, the biological questions of interest and the outputs of the associated experimental designs cannot be analyzed by the commercial software available to the scientific community. In this case, we apply our expertise on computer programming and big data management for analyzing high-throughput data in customized ways.
The main scientific interest of the group is the study of biological complex systems, analyzed by integrating many sources of data describing the interactions among different “players”, such as RNA (e.g., mRNA, miRNA), genomic data, the activities of repetitive sequences, clinical data, and so on. 


  • Provide scientific interpretation of biological big-data 
  • Develop custom data analysis algorithms for omics data 
  • Design pipelines to integrate the analysis of multiple sources of data 
  • Unravel biological interaction networks 
  • Design RNA-based therapeutics


  • The role of DNA repetitive sequences in physiological and pathological conditions 
  • The molecular aspects of aging and their role in cancer and degenerative diseases 
  • microRNA, competitive endogenous RNA, long non coding RNA 
  • Alternative splicing and its modulation

Expertise and resources

  • Molecular biology, System biology, Statistics, Bioinformatics, Machine Learning 
  • Long-read Next Generation Sequencing (Oxford Nanopore Technologies) 
  • Genomics, Epigenomics, Transcriptomics, Metagenomics data analysis 
  • R, Python, Matlab, Galaxy


Sara Conti

PhD student in Molecular and Biomolecular Science, UniPA


  • Vincenzo Martorana, PhD – PhD Student in Economics and Statistics at UniPA (2021-2024)
  • Walter Arancio, PhD – Post Doc in Computational Biology funded by OBIND project (2020-2022). He is now Researcher at IRIB – CNR.
  • Giorgio Bertolazzi, PhD – PhD Student in Economics and Statistics at UniPA, Dottorato Innovativo a Caratterizzazione Industriale (2019-2021), Project thesis: MicroRNA Interaction Network.


Journal Paper
miRNA expression analysis in the human heart: Undifferentiated progenitors vs. bioptic tissues—Implications for proliferation and ageing
Gioacchin Iannolo , Maria Rita Sciuto , Nicola Cuscino , Claudia Carcione , Claudia Coronnello, PhD , Cinzia Chinnici, Ph.D , Giuseppe Maria Raffa , Michele Pilato , Pier Giulio Conaldi
Journal of Cellular and Molecular Medicine25(18):8687-8700, 2021
Journal Paper
Usefulness of regional right ventricular and right atrial strain for prediction of early and late right ventricular failure following a left ventricular assist device implant: A machine learning approach
Diego Bellavia , Attilio Iacovoni , Valentina Agnese , Calogero Falletta , Claudia Coronnello, PhD , Salvatore Pasta , Giuseppina Novo , Gabriele di Gesaro , Michele Senni , Joseph Maalouf , Sergio Sciacca , Michele Pilato , Marc Simon , Francesco Clemenza , Sir John Gorcsan III
The International Journal of Artificial Organs 43(5): 297-314, 2020
Journal Paper
Constitutive PSGL-1 Correlates with CD30 and TCR Pathways and Represents a Potential Target for Immunotherapy in Anaplastic Large T-Cell Lymphoma
Belmonte B , Cancila V , Gulino A , Navari M , Arancio W , Macor P , Balduit A , Capolla S , Morello G , Vacca D , Ferrara I , Bertolazzi G , Balistreri CR , Amico P , Ferrante F , Maiorana A , Salviato T , Piccaluga PP , Mangogna A *
Cancers (Basel). 2021 Jun 12;13(12):2958. doi: 10.3390/cancers13122958.
Journal Paper
On the prospect of serum exosomal miRNA profiling and protein biomarkers for the diagnosis of ascending aortic dilatation in patients with bicuspid and tricuspid aortic valve
Alessia Gallo , Valentina Agnese , Claudia Coronnello, PhD , Giuseppe M. Raffa , Diego Bellavia , Pier Giulio Conaldi , Michele Pilato , Salvatore Pasta
International Journal of Cardiology273:230-236, 2018
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