Support scientific research
Biomedical research represents the way forward to improve the health of all of us and allow us a better quality of life. This is the mission of the Ri.MED Foundation, a biomedical and biotechnological research body set up by the Italian Government for the development of regenerative medicine and cell therapy projects.
The “5 x mille” is the share of the Personal Income Tax (IRPEF), which can be allocated, in the tax return, to non-profit organizations and activities with purposes of social interest. Donating 5 per thousand to the Foundation has no cost. In fact it is not an additional tax and does not add up to the amount of the IRPEF. This is an amount that the State allocates to non-profit-making entities and entities carrying out activities of social importance. The 5 x mille can be donated by all citizens who submit their tax return through the CUD, Model 730, the Single Model for Individuals and the Single Mini Model for Individuals. Within the individual models, in the section “Choice for the destination of 5 x thousand of the IRPEF” choose the box “Funding of Scientific Research and University”, enter the tax code of the Foundation Ri.MED 97207790821 and put your signature.
Enter the tax code of the RIMED Foundation in the box – Funding of Scientific Research and University. TAX CODE: 97207790821
The RiMED Foundation is registered with the Register of Scientific Research Bodies at the Ministry of Education, of the University and Research and thanks to this recognition every donation made in support of scientific research enjoys considerable tax advantages. In fact, the Revenue Agency has stated that are fully deductible from the income of natural persons and companies, the donations for the funding of research carried out in favor of “public research bodies”, including the RiMed Foundation. Cash donations to RiMed are therefore fully deductible, provided that they are explicitly aimed at the funding of the research, or that it is specifically stated in the reason for the donation. Want more information about current research projects and find out which ones to support? Contact us by clicking HERE and we will help you in choosing. Thank you for supporting RiMed Foundation and its projects.