Gaetano Burriesci, PhD
Group coordinator
Viale delle Scienze, Ed. 18
90128 Palermo, ITALY
Academic Collaborations:
- ISMETT- IRCCS, Palermo, IT
- Policlinico Giaccone, Palermo, IT
- Università degli Studi di Palermo, IT
- Institute Foundation G. Giglio, IT
- Università degli studi di Padova, IT
- Université de Technologie de Compiègne, FR
- Barts Heart Centre at St Bartholomew’s Hospital, GB
- Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children, GB
- University College London, GB
- Queen Mary University of London, GB
- University of Bristol, GB
- University of Leeds, GB
- University of Pittsburgh, US
- University of Alabama at Birmingham, US
- Adeka, JP
The Bioengineering group applies engineering principles and physical science to the analysis of biological systems and the development of advanced diagnostic solutions, support tools for therapeutic planning and new generation medical devices.
Our research team offers solid skills in the numerical modelling of fluid-structural biomechanical problems, the design optimisation of medical devices and in the conduction of preclinical validations, based on regulatory requirements and good practice.
In collaboration with clinical and industrial partners, we support and facilitate the introduction of novel therapeutic solutions into clinical practice to maximise their positive impact on patients’ quality of life.
- Federica Scaglione – Holder of a 1-year Scholarship (2022-23) in Bioengineering (Ref. Innova-Bioing/21) to perfect her technical-scientific skills on the topics of the characterisation of biomaterials and cardiovascular medical devices, and for the in vitro simulation of physiological systems computational and experimental Bioengineering.
Students and interns that support and have supported our research activities:
- Salvatore Tornabene, “Validazione sperimentale e computazionale di un Organ-on-Chip per la stimolazione meccanica di colture cellulari (Experimental and computational validation of an Organ-on-Chip for the mechanical stimulation of cell cultures)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Alessandro Parrinello, “Analisi dell’influenza del sistema di ancoraggio nella caratterizzazione di tessuti biologici mediante test biassiali (Analysis of the influence of the anchoring system in the characterisation of biological tissues using biaxial tests)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Dario Calò, “Simulazione numerica dell’inserimento di un allineatore nell’arcata dentale inferiore (Numerical simulation of the insertion of an aligner in the lower dental arch)”, ITS Alessandro Volta, Palermo, Italy
- Valentina Di Miceli, “Caratterizzazione meccanica mediante Digital Image Correlation di leghe di Ni-Ti per dispositivi biomedicali (Mechanical characterisation of Ni-Ti alloys for biomedical devices by means of Digital Image Correlation)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Arianna Di Piazza “Studio sperimentale e numerico delle alterazioni nel flusso aortico introdotte dalla superficie corrugata di graft sostitutivi (Experimental and numerical study of the alterations in aortic flow introduced by the corrugated surface of replacement grafts)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Federica Armetta “Impiego di tecniche di Digital Image Correlation per la valutazione di tensioni residue su tessuti sintetici e biologici (Use of Digital Image Correlation techniques for the evaluation of residual stresses on polymeric membranes and biological tissues)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Bernadette Bondì, “Analisi numerica dei flussi ematici nelle cannule per perfusione (Numerical analysis of blood flows in perfusion cannulae)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Angela Franco, “Modellazione numerica della trombosi in aneurismi cerebrali con il metodo SPH (Numerical modelling of thrombosis in cerebral aneurysms with the SPH method)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Valentina Caldarella, “Modelli in-vitro di calcificazione e degenerazione di biomateriali e tessuti di origine biologica, utilizzati nelle protesi cardiovascolari (Calcification and degenerative in-vitro models for biomaterials and biological tissues, used in cardiovascular prostheses)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Patrizia Caruso “Tecniche sperimentali per la caratterizzazione meccanica di tessuti biologici in presenza di carichi biassiali (Experimental techniques for the mechanical characterisation of biological soft tissues subjected to biaxial loads)”, University of Palermo, Italy (now PhD Student in the Tissue Engineering Group)
- Ruggero Cannova “Previsione del rischio trombo-embolico su modelli patient-specific di auricola atriale (Thrombo-embolic risk prediction on patient-specific atrial appendage models)”, University of Palermo, Italy
- Valentina Pinto “Applicazioni di Particle Image Velocimetry in ambito cardiovascolare (Applications of Particle Image Velocimetry in the cardiovascular field)”, University of Palermo, Italy (now PhD Student in our Team)