Biographical notes
Graduated in Pharmaceutical Chemistry and Technology at the University of Palermo, she continued her training with a professionalizing course in “Research Manager” at the Faculty of Economy of the University of Palermo followed by training periods at a company of the biotechnology sector and at Ri.MED Foundation. Then, she took up a PhD programme in Molecular and Biomolecular Sciences by spending two periods abroad, in Scotland at the company BioAscent, a European leader in the field of Compound Management, and at Cardiff University in the UK.
During the PhD she deepens computational techniques in the field of Drug Design applied to protein-protein interactions and acquired skills in the management and storage of chemical entities and in the automated preparation of microplates for biological assays. After her doctorate, in 2020, she was selected by Ri.MED Foundation as a Specialist in Compound Management and today she manages the Compound Management platform of Ri.MED Foundation.
Scientifical activity
Maria Rita is specialized in the use of computational techniques of Molecular Mechanics applied to protein-protein and protein-ligand interactions for the analysis and study of molecular contacts involved in oncological and inflammatory pathologies and for the identification of new biologically active chemical entities. Among the activities carried out, Maria Rita also manages the automated Compound Management platform for the registration and storage of Ri.MED chemical compounds libraries and for the preparation of microplates and chemical samples for biological assays.
To date, Maria Rita is the author of 9 publications in peer-reviewed international journals.