Biographical notes
She graduated in Physics at the University of Palermo with a degree thesis in Computational Neuroscience at the CNR Institute of Biophysics under the supervision of Prof. Michele Migliore.
In 2016, after graduation, he won a research grant at the Institute of High Performance Computing and Networks (ICAR) at the CNR, where she studied and developed information retrieval techniques for e-Health. In March 2018 she was the winner of a fellowship at the ICAR-CNR institute and joined the translational bioinformatics research group where she developed intelligent systems for healthcare and personalized medicine. In September 2018 she was selected as a Scientist at Ri.MED Foundation and included in the Molecular Informatics group.
Scientifical activity
Her research activity is linked to the chemoinformatics field with a focus on the exploration of the chemical space through the use of computer techniques and methodologies such as machine learning and artificial intelligence, data mining and analysis of correlations between data, methods of theoretical predictions and statistical analysis. She also deals with the creation, management and maintenance of the internal databases within the Compound Management platform, as well as the management of the Dotmatics platform.