Project title: Studio di piccole molecole citoprotettive con duplice applicabilità nella demenza di Alzheimer e nel trattamento del diabete mellito mediante il trapianto di isole pancreatiche
Start/end date: July 2021 – December 2015
Funding Agency/Programme: Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’Università e della Ricerca Avviso. MIUR Asse I – Sostegno ai mutamenti strutturali; Obiettivo Operativo: Reti per il rafforzamento del potenziale scientifico-tecnologico delle Regioni della Convergenza; Laboratori pubblico-privati e relative reti; Ambito: Salute dell’uomo e biotecnologie.
Partnership: Myrmex Spa – CNR Istituto di Biostrutture e Bioimmagini (IBB) – Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione S.r.l. – IRCCS ISMETT – Fondazione Ri.MED.
Abstract: the state of the art in the field of therapies aimed at treating neurodegenerative diseases, of which Alzheimer’s dementia is the first one for incidence on the population, highlights the need for drugs able to block the evolution of the disease. The aim of the project was therefore the identification of new molecular targets to be used as pharmacological targets in the therapy of neurodegeneration from Alzheimer’s dementia, through the study of new stabilizing molecules, the AfJ monomers, as an alternative to those currently proposed as plaque disaggregators/oligomers. Given the close correlation between diabetes and the incidence of Alzheimer’s dementia, as well as the cumulative effect of the two pathologies at the neurodegeneration level, the study of dipeptide substances with cytoprotective activity has also been extended to the neurodegenerative complications of diabetic pathology.
Under the project, on 26th and 27th November, took place in Palermo the international workshop “Development of Advanced Therapy Medicinal Products”, organized by Ri.MED Foundation with the support of the European Advanced Translational Research Infrastructure (EATRIS).