Partnership: Fondazione Ri.MED (Coordinator); Istituto Mediterraneo per i Trapianti e Terapie ad Alta Specializzazione S.r.l. – IRCCS ISMETT.
Abstract: Osteoarthritis (OA) is a disabilitating disease with no cure available. iRhom2 is an essential regulator of ADAM17, a protease playing a crucial role in the progression of the disease. Based on solid preliminary data, we hypothesized that inactivation of iRhom2 could be beneficial in OA and represents a new therapeutical target for the disease. Proving this hypothesis using in vivo models and developing a molecule for the therapeutical inactivation of iRhom2 is the central aim of the project.
Ri.MED Laboratory: Proteomics Lab.Scientific products:
- Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Changes Induced by TIMP-3 on Cell Membrane Composition and Novel Metalloprotease Substrates
- Strategies to Target ADAM17 in Disease: From Its Discovery to the IRhom Revolution
- A Top-down Approach to Uncover the Hidden Ligandome of Low-Density Lipoprotein Receptor-Related Protein 1 in Cartilage
- The Repertoire of Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteases: Evolution, Regulation of Extracellular Matrix Proteolysis, Engineering and Therapeutic Challenges
- High-Resolution Secretome Analysis of Chemical Hypoxia Treated Cells Identifies Putative Biomarkers of Chondrosarcoma
- Quantitative Proteomics Reveals That ADAM15 Can Have Proteolytic-Independent Functions in the Steady State
- Tissue Inhibitor of Metalloproteases 3 (TIMP-3): In Vivo Analysis Underpins Its Role as a Master Regulator of Ectodomain Shedding