Biographical notes
Dr. Viktor Balashov received his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in applied mathematics and physics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (Russia) in 2014 and 2016, respectively. In 2020, he earned his PhD Biophysics at the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology with a degree in heart tissue engineering, where he continued to work as a researcher and biostatistician (2021). At the beginning of 2022, Dr. Viktor joined the Prof. D’Amore laboratory of Cardiovascular Tissue Engineering at Ri.MED Foundation as a postdoctoral researcher and started working on the field of tissue engineering heart valves.
Scientific activity
Dr. Balashov’s research focuses on the development of a Tissue Engineered Mitral Valve. His expertise includes: material processing (e.g., electrospinning), polymer synthesis- immunocytochemistry; optical and electron microscopy techniques (confocal, SEM, and TEM), ultramicrotomy, isolation and cultivation of cardiac cell cultures, and statistical processing of the results.