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RiMED for school: let’s get closer to see how cool science can be!

11 June 2024

With the end of the school year, all the actions carried out with schools have been completed, including the paths for transversal skills and guidance (percorsi per le competenze trasversali e l’orientamento – PCTO) that Fondazione Ri.MED has activated in some institutes and high schools in the territory of Palermo. The projects developed between February and June have enabled interaction between the research world and schools: students have been in dialogue with researchers and have experienced firsthand various laboratory activities. The cross-sectional nature of research within Ri.MED has given schools a wide range of subjects to choose from: molecular informatics, preclinical, structural biology, medicinal chemistry, advanced therapies and grant area activity.

Thanks to the availability of all Ri.MED staff, the educational activities involved more than 200 students for a total of over 100 hours of work between lectures, experimental activities and visits to laboratories.

The effort made in recent months is part of the programme, which is essential to create a solid research-society bridge, for action in schools, which has a strong institutional base thanks to the memorandum of understanding signed together with the Regional School Office for Sicily and the Department for Education and Vocational Training of the Sicilian region.

For information on the 2024/25 programme, contact


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