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Sandro Bellavia, MD
PhD Student in Molecular and Clinical Medicine - University of Palermo

Biographical notes

I am Sandro Bellavia, I was born in Caltanissetta on 13/10/1990; I obtained my Scientific Diploma at the “Liceo Scientifico A. Volta” of Caltanissetta in 2009, I graduated in Medicine in 2015 and postgraduate in Pathology in January 2022 at the University of Palermo (UNIPA); I attended (Academic Year 2016/2017) the first year of the School in Rheumatology (University of Pisa). Since January 2022, I am a PhD student in Molecular and Clinical Medicine (37th cycle) at the University of Palermo (UNIPA); I carry out my research activity at the Policlinico Universitario Paolo Giaccone of Palermo in collaboration with the RiMed Foundation.

Scientifical activity

The main theme of my research activity is the study of  tumor microenvironment and the role of the immune system in solid neoplasms. The research focuses on evaluating the expression of characteristic molecules involved in the regulation of the immune response against cancer, specifically CD38, in different histotypes of solid neoplasms to highlight whether there is a correlation with disease stage, prognosis, and response to immunotherapy. Research includes the following activities: histopathological diagnostics, immunohistochemistry, telepathology sessions, digital image analysis, use of machine learning techniques, pattern recognition and decision support systems.

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