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Salvatore Pasqua
Salvatore Pasqua
Tecnico di laboratorio senior

Dr.Pasqua was trained as a degree in Biomedical Laboratory Techniques from the University of Palermo in 2007 and obtained her  Master’s degree in “Laboratory Medicine” in 2019.

In 1999 to 2008 he worked at the Molecular Prenatal Diagnosis Laboratory of the Hematology II with Thalassemia Service of the V. Cervello Hospital in Palermo, applying molecular biology techniques for the diagnosis of monogenic diseases, in particular for the determination and study of mutations affecting cystic fibrosis. He also used the atomic absorption spectrophotometry technique for the determination of iron and copper concentrations in biological liquids and in bioliver samples.

In  2008-2012 He works for the RiMed Foundation at the Regenerative Medicine and Biomedical Technologies Unit of ISMETT as a Laboratory Technician. From 2013-2015 he has been serving at the Regenerative Medicine and Biomedical Technologies Unit of the Ri.MED Foundation with the qualification of Senior Laboratory Technician to support the following projects: Isolation of fetal liver cells and cardiac cells.

From November 2015 to today he has been working at the QC Laboratory of the ISMETT Cell Pharmaceutical Workshop.

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