Biographical notes
Dr. Ignazio Sardo obtained the master’s degree cum laude in Pharmacy and Industrial Pharmacy (LM-13) at the University of Palermo, in 2021, with an experimental thesis entitled Design and synthesis of new 2-styril-quinolines-4-carboxyamide potential inhibitors of FGFR4 (Supervisor Prof.ssa Maria Valeria Raimondi). In November of the same year, he was awarded a PhD scholarship (XXXVII Cycle), at Palermo University. He is currently working on the design, synthesis and structural characterization of molecules with potential biological activity against liquid tumors, in co-tutoring with Ri.MED Foundation, under the co.guidance of the medicinal chemistry group head, Dr. Maria De Rosa. Since March 2022, he is academic tutor for the scientific disciplinary sectors CHIM/01, CHIM/03, CHIM/06, CHIM/08.
Scientifical activity
The scientific interest of Dr. Sardo focuses on the design, synthesis and biological evaluation of new small molecules with antitumor activity, with particular attention to liquid lymphomas.