Biographical notes
Dr. Anna Maria Pavone earned her BSc Degree in Biological Sciences at the University of Messina and consequently her MSc Degree in Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Siena, Italy. In November 2020 achieved the habilitation to practice as a Biologist, at the University of Siena.
She is currently a PhD student in Biotechnologies at the University of Catania, where she works under the supervision of the Prof. Rosalba Parenti and the Dr. Albert Comelli, her company tutor at the Ri.MED Foundation of Palermo.
During her PhD, she attended many formation courses, including an English Course (Level B2), provided by the CLA (Centro Linguistico di Ateneo) of the University of Catania, and other essential courses for in vivo sperimentation, offered by the “Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell’Emilia Romagna”.
Scientifical activity
Dr. Anna Maria Pavone’s research activity is part of nuclear medicine with preclinical applications. In fact, the PhD project she is working on is based on the in vivo study of innovative radiopharmaceuticals and their potential applications in the oncology field.
However, her expertise extends from the field of advanced molecular biology to physiology, an area in which she is specializing during the PhD course. Indeed, during the internship thesis of the master’s degree, she deepened gene editing techniques such as CRISPR / Cas9, simultaneously performing transfections of cell cultures, protein and molecular analyzes (extraction of nucleic acids and proteins with consequent quantitative analyzes). Furthermore, during the PhD she is expanding her knowledge especially regarding in vivo and ex vivo analyses, associating them with preclinical imaging techniques, including PET / CT.