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Rosario Corso
Research fellow in mathematical analysis

Biographical notes

He obtained the bachelor and master’s degrees in Mathematics with the grade of 110/110, cum laude and mentions in the University of Palermo in 2014 and in 2016, respectively. He received the PhD in Mathematics and Informatics of the consortium of the Universities of Palermo-Catania-Messina in 2020. During the PhD course he spent research stays in the Alfréd Rényi Institute of Mathematics of Hungary, in the Technical University of Denmark and in the University of Agriculture of Poland. Later he held a postdoctoral position for about two years and now he is a research fellow on the field of the mathematical analysis in the University of Palermo since December 2021. 

Scientifical activity

The scientific activity, under the mathematical point of view, concerns the fields of functional analysis, of partial differential equations and of analysis/reconstruction/approximation methods of signals and multidimensional datas (for example the Fourier/Gabor/wavelet/shearlet transforms, frames and sampling series). Concerning the applications in the biomedical field, he deals with the segmentation of regions of interest in MR images and in the extraction/classification of radiomic features for the predictive diagnostic of pathologies in support of medical decisions. Specifically, he makes use of models of parametric shapes, active contours, transforms for the image processing. 

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